LDS girls, Do LDS Things, In LDS Ways... and this is exactly what makes an LDS girl, different from their peers. In a world, where most girls have no direction and no real reason for being "good" - LDS girls actually DO!

LDS girls who know who they are - make better choices.
So, I suppose you could apply the saying that "knowledge is power"? But even more important than a general statement like that... is knowing that the knowledge you embrace, just happens to be - the TRUTH.

LDS girls operate, and therefore make choices - that are anchored in eternal truths. Do LDS girls make mistakes? You bet they do! But after they hit themselves upside the head a bit for doing so - they will most always learn from those mistakes.

How can a girl know what is right, if no one ever offers her truth - by which to compare and analyze her choices, actions and the results that are caused by her use of agency? LDS girls are blessed to have been offered by loving parents, leaders and living prophets today - the TRUTH.

I honor these LDS girls from their teen years, and up to the time where they make the most important decisions of a young women today. Education, relationships and ultimately marriage and family. LDS young women are making good choices, based on their very personal experiences of utilizing the truth that they know, against that which the world would have them believe.

LDS girls know how to "Stand For Something" in a world that is fast becoming extremely wayward and lost to moral values.

So yes... LDS Girls Do LDS Things in LDS Ways, because they KNOW!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Book of Mormon, A Great Life Planner

The Book of Mormon is a book written for instruction to us for our day. It was written by the hand of God, by prophets who knew us and what we would be facing in our time. It is the best way to learn, by example, the ways to return back to our Heavenly Father. It is also one of the best ways to understand Satan and the tactics he uses to try and trip us up. It is really a great book to get everyday instructions, helping us to be better prepared for life. Make The Book of Mormon part of your “life planner.”

Look for the three blessings that President Hinckley promises anyone who prayerfully reads the Book of Mormon....

“Without reservation I promise you that if you will prayerfully read the Book of Mormon, regardless of how many times you previously have read it, there will come into your hearts an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord. There will come a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and there will come a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God.”
Gordon B. Hinckley

Why do you think reading the Book of Mormon would help give you these blessings?

Could you use an added measure of strength in any area of your life right now?

Take the challenge, read the Book of Mormon daily! See for yourself if the blessings come true.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Modesty Is Always In Fashion

"A mortal body is a valuable component of God's great plan of happiness.

In the premortal world, according to the Bible, spirits awaiting their mortal experience "shouted for joy."

"Why were we so excited? We understood eternal truths about our bodies. We knew that our bodies would be in the image of God. We knew that our bodies would house our spirits. We also understood that our bodies would be subject to pain, illness, disabilities and temptation, But we were willing, even eager, to accept these challenges because we knew that only with spirit and element inseparably connected could we progress to become like our Heavenly Father."

Satan's punishment for rebellion against God is that he was forever denied a body, so he works to tempt mortals to despise the great gift they are accorded. "He tries to do everything he can to get us to abuse or misuse this precious gift."

Respect for the body as a temple housing the spirit would result in "a dramatic increase in chastity, modesty, observance of the Word of Wisdom and a similar decrease in the problems of pornography and abuse. ...

"Modesty is more than a matter of avoiding revealing attire. It describes not only the altitude of hemlines and necklines, but the attitude of our hearts." Susan W. Tanner

Susan W. Tanner and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, discuss MODESTY.

"First of all, I want you to be proud you are a woman. I want you to feel the reality of what that means, to know who you truly are. You are literally a spirit daughter of heavenly parents with a divine nature and an eternal destiny. That surpassing truth should be fixed deep in your soul and be fundamental to every decision you make as you grow into mature womanhood. There could never be a greater authentication of your dignity, your worth, your privileges, and your promise.

Your Father in Heaven knows your name and knows your circumstance. He hears your prayers. He knows your hopes and dreams, including your fears and frustrations. And He knows what you can become through faith in Him. Because of this divine heritage you, along with all of your spiritual sisters and brothers, have full equality in His sight and are empowered through obedience to become a rightful heir in His eternal kingdom, an “[heir] of God, and joint-[heir] with Christ.”

Seek to comprehend the significance of these doctrines. Everything Christ taught He taught to women as well as men. Indeed, in the restored light of the gospel of Jesus Christ, a woman, including a young woman, occupies a majesty all her own in the divine design of the Creator. You are, as Elder James E. Talmage once phrased it, “a sanctified investiture which none shall dare profane.” Jeffrey R. Holland

Jeffrey R. Holland "To Young Women


Sunday, March 29, 2009

General Young Women Meeting 2009

Did you happen to watch the General Young Women Meeting yesterday?

If not you still can!

The whole meeting can be seen on the Internet on this link.

If you didn't get to see it, or you want to see it again, go and do it today!

By the way the Young Women Choir was awesome! It was a group of totally cool LDS Girls!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do You Ever Wonder Why?

Sometimes we, as LDS Girls, are faced with all kinds of counsel and we simply do not understand the reason for it. It makes us simply ask, “Why?”

LDS authors John Hilton and Anthony Sweat will be releasing a new book on April 1st that is called “Powerful Answers and Practical Reasons for Living LDS Standards.”

These authors use quotes from Church leaders and real-life stories, giving the doctrinal “whys” to back up the standards that are found in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. There are answers to over 100 questions, like:

• Why do some people who break the commandments appear happy?

• Why shouldn’t I just “try” alcohol, just so I can see what it tastes like?

• Why is wearing two pairs of earrings such a big deal? Or is it?

• Why is it wrong to steady date someone if we both have high standards?

• Why is 16 the magical age–is it all that different from 15?

• Why is pornography a big deal if it doesn’t hurt anybody?

• Why shouldn’t I wear flip-flops to Church?

• Why do some people who pay tithing still not have a lot of money?

• Why should I talk to the bishop about certain sins?

They have a really cool website an even have a Facebook group account where you can join LDS youth in your search for answers.

So if you have questions... find out the answers!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Is Abortion FUN?

Perhaps I am crossing the line here, posting this kind of irreverent video about ABORTION... but I don't think so.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Steadfast and Immovable

Mosiah 5:15 Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all. Amen.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Giving My Baby Up For Adoption - "The Hardest Thing I Have Ever Done"!

Tamra is a young woman, who found herself pregnant, and not married. She referred to her unwanted pregnancy as a "crisis" in her life. Too many young girls today, find themselves in a similar situation, and unfortunately opt for having an abortion. These young women are often convinced that abortion is the best decision for everyone involved.

For Tamra, abortion was not an option, but neither was keeping the baby and raising it herself. Tamra made a very difficult decision, to do the right thing - which was also the hardest choice.

This video, produced by LDS Family Services - is Tamra's Love Story....

If You Are Pregnant...

Its not uncommon to feel that your only options are abortion or raising your child on your own. There are other options; and the decision is yours.

No one else will live daily with your decision, which is why no one else can make this decision for you.

The best thing you can do for you and your future child is to educate yourself about your options and feel confident that you have found the solution that is right for you.

For more information, please visit:


Saturday, March 14, 2009

NO WAY To No God - Standing UP!

LDS Girls know all to well, that today, Standing Up for what you believe, among other things, could potentially cost you, your job! I was so impressed with this story, coming out of the UK - of a bus driver who refused to drive his bus, when he saw an Atheist ad, boldly displayed!

As members of the LDS Church, we are encouraged to Stand Up for what we believe - and we're pretty darn good at it. Among LDS Girls, we have a great support system for doing so... I'm not sure if this "Mr. Heather" has a team behind him, encouraging him to do the right thing, but I tend to doubt it. I think that's one of the reason I love this story, so much.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Hampshire | Man refuses to drive 'No God' bus: "A Christian bus driver has refused to drive a bus with an atheist slogan proclaiming 'There's probably no God'.

Ron Heather, from Southampton, Hampshire, responded with 'shock' and 'horror' at the message and walked out of his shift on Saturday in protest.

First Bus said it would do everything in its power to ensure Mr Heather does not have to drive the buses.

Buses across Britain started displaying atheist messages in an advertising campaign launched earlier this month.

Mr Heather told BBC Radio Solent: 'I was just about to board and there it was staring me in the face, my first reaction was shock horror.

'I felt that I could not drive that bus, I told my managers and they said they haven't got another one and I thought I better go home, so I did.
Ron Heather
Mr Heather said he was shocked at the 'starkness' of the advert

'I think it was the starkness of this advert which implied there was no God.'"

You can read the entire story HERE, and I hope that you do!

If you haven't had the chance to read President Hinckley's very popular book, "Standing For Something", I hope that you will. I highly recommend it!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

More About Rachel Esplin, One Cool LDS Girl

Remember that really cool LDS girl named Rachel Esplin, you know, the one that LDS Nana wrote a post about a few weeks ago?

She was on a panel discussion with the Harvard Interfaith council and her remarks to certain questions they posed to her as an LDS girl were video taped. Well, this video has totally gone viral! She is being seen all over the Internet, bearing her testimony about the church! That is just cool.

This link will give you more information about how all this came about for Rachel.

If you ever have an opportunity to share your testimony in the same way Rachel did you might consider some advice she has to give...

"Be sincere and honest and show love."

Thanks Rachel! You are one cool LDS girl!