For LDS girls of the Mormon Church, the Divine Institution of Marriage is considered not only sacred, but it is one of their greatest goals in life. Now, that is not to say that LDS girls and young women don't have other goals, such as personal development through education, etc... But, there is no doubt that marriage, in the proper order of an LDS girl's life - is what most every LDS girls dreams about.
I wanted to give all LDS young women a heads-up on some very important commentary - that was just published today, on the LDS newsroom, about the Divine Institution of Marriage and what that means to members of the LDS Church. This is the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, regarding what is going on with the same-sex marriage issue, which is currently - literally - being fought!
There is a great battle taking place, in our very midst. It is most likely very similar to that which we each stood for in our pre-mortal lives. It is a battle or war of words, philosophies and ideas. It is very easy to get swayed by the popular trends of the world in which we live in. For instance, even many good members are of the Church, are of the opinion that we should live and let live - when it comes to lifestyle choices.
Okay... that is fine.
But wait a minute! Where is the line to be drawn, in this kind of thinking? Particularly when that kind of thinking could cause you to lose everything that you hold dear... even the ability to enjoy the Divine Institute of Marriage that you dream about someday.
I really want LDS girls to think very carefully about potentially choosing to go with a popular trend and not stand for traditional marriage as our leaders have asked us to actively do...
Remember, it is your posterity that you are Standing For - and this is Something that is worth your best efforts to maintain. What kind of a world are YOU creating NOW for your own children to be raised in... think about it?
Temple Marriage is a sacred institution, ordained of God - for the Eternal Happiness of You and your posterity:-)
Great blog. Temple marriage is something that is near and dear to my heart. I want to be married in the temple one day and I strive everyday to live in a way that helps me get closer to that goal. Now lets not lie, sometimes I don't always do what I'm supposed to or live the way I'm supposed to, but I'm doing my best. And even though temple marriage has always been important to me I haven't always agreed with not allowing sme-sex marriages. But after 1-realizing that the church hardly ever gets involved when it comes to politics and the way you vote and 2-reading blogs and hubs explaining exactly what the issue was about I realized that I needed to reevaluate how I feel on the issue.
I have done that and I will now do all I can to protect the Divine Institution of Marriage.
Michelle -
Doing your best to live the gospel is the most important thing that you, or anyone else can do - each day of our lives. Not one of us is perfect at it... so never become discouraged.
I am so impressed with how you have taken the time to read about the issue of same-sex marriages and understand just why it is so important to defend traditional marriage.
Really it is education about this topic, that will help more LDS girls understand the imperative need to stand for traditional marriage.
We must do all that we can, to ensure a healthy future for all of the children of God to be brought up in, and to enjoy the blessings of both a father and a mother.
Although it is afar off for you LDS girls right now - you are truly ensuring a better opportunity for your own grandchildren to progress along life's journey, and to their eventual return home:-)
Very thoughtful post on this heated subject. We must do all we can to protect the sanctity of marriage as instituted by God.
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